Diana Armfield Drawing from Observation (Deadline 15th February) Young Writers Festival 23rd March,
Roger McGough Poetry Celebration Afternoon 1st June
Join us for the Arts Richmond's Young Writers Festival.
To be held at The Exchange Twickenham on Sunday 23rd March at 2pm
Arts Richmond Young Writers' Festival was open to all young people who either live or attend school/clubs in the Borough of Richmond upon Thames. This was a chance to demonstrate their writing skills of any form: stories, descriptive writing, poems, playlets, or lyrics for songs-whatever their imagination could devise.
This year we were again supported by well-known author Anthony Horowitz famous of the ‘Alex Rider book and film series.
Over 700 entries were received and we will be celebrating the finalist’s pieces by presenting their work at this festival in front of the Mayor, patron Anthony Horowitz and other special guests.
Local actors will bring the children’s work to life, during this 2 hour presentation and the winners for each category will be announced.
We will also have a published book of all the children’s work available for sale.
Book your tickets and pre order you books by clicking on the button below.
Children go free but you will still need to book their seats.
Check out this great video
Join us for a celebration of the poems shortlisted from Arts Richmond ‘Changes’ Poetry Competition held earlier this year. We will be joined by the man himself Roger McGough who will be announcing the winners and entertaining us with some of his own wonderful creations.
A Copy of the Anthology titles ‘Changes’ is available to purchase with your tickets
Sunday 1st June 2.30pm at OSO Arts Centre SW13 0LF
Arts Richmond invites writers, and potential writers, to submit a short play for the 2025 competition for original radio playwriting
Deadline for scripts is 30 May 2025
Conditions of Entry
1. The play must be original, unpublished, and previously unperformed.
2. The writer must live or study in Richmond Borough
3. The play must be no longer than 15 minutes maximum performance time.
4. The play should require no more than 4 actors
A shortlist of 4 finalists, chosen by an experienced panel of judges, will be asked to record their work.
1. Shortlisted writersare to provide a recorded performance of their play which will be uploaded to the Arts Richmond You Tube Channel as part of the Competition.
2. All submissions must be accompanied by a separate top sheet with name, title and contact details. Scripts are read “blind” so please do NOT put your name on the script itself.
Deadlines: Scripts for the Competition must be sent to Arts Richmond by 30 May 2025
. Please complete and return the form below when you submit either your electronic
PDF or your hard copy script.
The Short list of 4 finalists will be informed by 18 July 2025 and will be asked to record their play with such recordings to be sent to Arts Richmond by 29 August 2025.
Prizes: The 4 finalists will be awarded a certificate as a record of their radio production.
The overall winner, as decided by our panel of judges, will be presented with the Colin Skipp Arts Richmond Radio Play Trophy and will receive a prize of £100 at the Arts Richmond Drama Party on 20 September 2025.
Entry Fee £10.00 per play
Please email your script as a pdf to info@artsrichmond.org.uk with “Radio Play” in the subject line
by closing date of 30 May 2025
Whether you are submitting via electronic or hard copy, include the following information:
Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Society/Group/Organisation (if appropriate): _____________________________________________________
Tel: _________________________________ Email:________________________________________
Arts Richmond, ETNA Community Centre, 13 Rosslyn Road, Twickenham TW1 2AR
020 8892 9446 info@artsrichmond.org.uk www.artsrichmond.org.uk
Arts Richmond
Room 21, ETNA Community Centre, 13 Rosslyn Road, Twickenham, TW1 2AR